Hair: I love this piece of the outfit ! The laid back curls give a unique look to the whole outfit! The earrings compliment the shoes and hair well especially the gown :)
Dress: OMG! It's really stunning! The bands go well with the earrings and the collar thingy does too! The sparkles change the mood into a plain white dress, to a funky, sparkly unique dress! Although you went a little too far on the veil. You could've made the dress a bit longer and take off the veil.
Shoes: Love for the shoes ! xD I love the little straps<3 It's not really much like a prom heels thingy, you could've added sparkles for it too go better C:
I can't give my opinions on this outfit 'cause I'm actually a girl.. So can't discuss and can't give an opinion on a GUY OUTFIT... Well, I think it's cool x3
Pinky ♥