It all started when I told someone to behave at woozen quest (it was a hacker) mod028 agreed and helpfully defended me.. To twist this story, the mod played the "banning Game" which got the hacker IXRed Eliminated from woozworld.. proof:
I Messaged the lovely, Mod028 and asked Something, a really good question.. "Could I make a unitz for mods only, to thank them for their time being"? Mod028 replied "Sure, we will appreciate it alot!" So when I got done with the unitz.. Only 7 woozens were there (MexicanoMustache was there)
Mod028 must've been REALLY Greateful because he gave me his used generator..
And adding an end to this story was that .. it doesn't matter how big the unitz is with woozens, it matters if a mod does cherish it and appreciate it. I felt really grateful for making this unitz, and I hope the mods appreciate this unitz as well.. And this does close up with a group picture (proof that there was only 7 people)
-XxScarexX, The Unique Flower