Friday, June 14, 2013

New Features!


New features in Woozworld ;D

Like this two..!

Now.. I'm giving opinions on the new feature.! Btw..  They're together! I just cut it.

First Feature..!
Mhm.. I love those tabs/pages..! Which you can go to each category you want to read about! As you can see..! I'm not really getting use about the new features. But I'm still loving it..! ;) Good thing there's a date.. I guess? '.' So I will not be forgetful for what month it is..xD That's all '.'

Second Feature..!
Love it..! Each animator has their own category..! So you will know if it's from Jenny's, Max's, Mya's or Jay's category or article! What I love the most is the WoozNews and where you can find their OFFICIAL accounts on "famous" or "known" websites.

That's all for now!

Toodles ~ :**

Skittles ♥